Aerospace Projects
Centaur III upper stage and RL10 rocket engine - El Segundo, CA
Airbus A380, 1:3 Scale Display (80’ wingspan) London Heathrow Airport
Lunar Rover Model and Apollo 11 Spacesuit
Home of Atlantis Museum, Full-scale Replica Shuttle Stack Kennedy Space Center, FL
Mercury-Atlas Full Scale Replica
Dragon Mock Up Experience
360’ Full-scale Saturn V, Rocket Replica - US Space & Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL
Full-Scale (tennis court sized) replica of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope
John Glenn Replica Mercury Atlas
Pratt & Whitney GTF Cutaway Engine
Raytheon Trade Show
Lunar Rover
ONT World Routes Booth 2021- Australia
Delta II Display - Full Scale Rocket
Routes World 2022 - Las Vegas
G7200 Turbofan Engine
Missile Garden
T-Hawk Drone
HTF 10000
Routes World 2022 - Las Vegas
Mercury-Atlas Full Scale Replica in Rocket Garden
Fuel Efficient Engine for A380
Space Shuttle Main Engine
Manned Maneuvering Unit
Patriot Missile Launcher Model
Gemini 11 - California Science Center
ONT World Routes Booth 2021 - Australia
Just Solar Array Engineering & Study
Viking Lander
ONT World Routes Booth 2021 - Australia
Jet Fighter Engine for Pratt & Whitney Engine
Viking Lander - California Science Center
1:15 Hubble Space Telescope - California Science Center
Engineers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland practice moving a mock up version (for engineer study, fit and function) of the James Webb Space Telescope, built by Penwal Industries.